Bayesian MCMC phylogeny of serine incorporator gene family members. Posterior probability support values are shown for all nodes. This tree was reconstructed with MrBayes, substitution model JTT, discrete gamma model with 8 categories, 1.000.000 generations, 4 chains, 2 independent runs; a sample was taken every 100 generations from the MCMC chains after a burn-in phase of 100.000 generations. Topology: The topology of major branches corresponds to that of the species tree. Most duplication nodes are significantly supported, speciation events generally correspond to those by the species tree. Noteworthy, the gene duplication observed in the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus is suggested to have occurred prior to the divergence from Bacillariophyta (PHATC). This observation is consistent in all analyses. The two genes of the unclassified Alveolata (9ALVE) clustered regularely with stramenopiles; this data was removed until more information becomes available. No significant support values were obtained for the gene duplication observed in Physcomitrella patens (SERC1a/b) in this and more detailed analysis; for now, these genes have been excluded from the reference tree.